1·Also overlooking the living space is a study area suitable for use as a home office.
—— 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
2·An' thou cease from study mine office is gone thou'lt need no whipping-boy.
3·Johnson's group is now working on a larger study funded by the United States Office of Naval Research, hoping to estimate military and civilian fatalities more accurately with more comprehensive data.
4·A Met Office study also rules out the shutdown of the Atlantic Ocean's conveyor belt, which would trigger Arctic winters in Britain like those seen in the film the Day After Tomorrow.
5·That study has been widely cited and discussed in numerous places, including receiving a critical response from the White House Drug Control Policy Office.
6·A study, published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), found that pensioners who enjoyed a few drinks every week, had a 23 per cent lower risk of mortality than teetotallers.
7·His office and the Study Abroad office have a dinner before the holiday.
8·His parents found him work in a solicitor's office before he headed to London to study law.
9·Melissa landed an internship at the House Republican Study Committee and then moved to McCotter’s office.
10·To study and put forward regulations and rules for the administration of personnel affairs of the Customs Office and organize implementation accordingly.